By Vivian Kane | Videos | May 29, 2014 |
By Vivian Kane | Videos | May 29, 2014 |
Have you had enough Glenn Beck hate for the day? Well, me too, but too bad! There’s more! Last week, Beck’s show The Blaze aired a horrible segment dedicated to disprove the statistic that one in five women has been raped. Stu Burguiere, the host of the segment, seems to have had a hungover intern read two studies and relay the basic points to him in 10 words or less.
Burguiere takes the numbers from only one study from 2007 (the National Institute of Justice’s Campus Sexual Assault Survey), initially disregarding the 2010 study he touches on later, which surveyed a much wider range of women and men, and he really focuses in on the survey questions that involve alcohol consumption. Burguiere says these questions are confusingly worded, but that seems to be only because he has no idea what the word “consent” means. He brings up the ultra-groundbreaking idea that it is possible to enjoy sex while drunk, turning to the documentary platform of beer commercials for supporting evidence.
Burguiere then focuses on some of the questions from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, which studied not just rape but other types of violations and attacks, including “sexual coercion.” But since The Blaze only recognizes the raped/not raped binary, it’s all the same thing to them. To dig themselves into an infuriating, misogynistic idiot-ditch prove their point, they reenact some of the survey questions, because everyone no one loves a good rape sketch. Oh, and for extra laughs, instead of having an actual woman in the sketch, they put a big guy in a blonde wig and have him giggle. COMEDY!
So what does all this have to do with the UCSB shooting? Well, a week after it originally aired, and only days after the shooting, Beck thought this would be a perfect time to re-air the segment. Because according to Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, America doesn’t have a problem with violence against women. Everything’s fine, it’s just overinflated statistics! It’s Obama’s fault!
Watch the video if you want to fan the flames of rage inside you.
Via Raw Story.
Vivian Kane is always a feminist, but she isn’t always angry. Sometimes she’s only mildly perturbed.