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Fun Lovin' Criminals Frontman Takes Offense During Gameshow, Smashes Mug, Storms Off

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | November 5, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | November 5, 2013 |

During a taping of the British game show, Never Mind the Buzzcocks (which can often be quite amazing), Huey Morgan — the frontman for the hip-hop rock rock outfit, Fun Lovin’ Criminals — took offense at a segment of the game show where the questions seemed rather pointed (though, all in good fun). He clearly became annoyed, so much so that at one point, he smashed a mug, and later walked off before the end of the segment.

But truly, the best part about this clip is how well the presenters and the other panelists handled the entire matter. They didn’t stop the cameras. They didn’t cut to a commercial. They just played through it. One of the presenters even styled his hair with a mug shard.