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Dame Diana Rigg Describes a Deliciously Dirty Upcoming 'Game of Thrones' Scene

By Cindy Davis | Videos | February 3, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | February 3, 2015 |

It’s no surprise that the fabulous Diana Rigg steals every single Game of Thrones scene we’re lucky enough to see her in; she’s been wowing audiences since the ’60s. During this recent appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show, she’s delightful as ever, spoiling an upcoming season 5 moment — one she’d love to memorialize in a photo for her next birthday card! For those who may be afraid to watch, she merely stages the scene; there are no big contextual spoilers. Go ahead, watch!

I’m so glad she’ll soon be back in our living rooms, and can’t wait to see this delicious scene, and some sure-to-be-snippy line exchanges with Lena Heady, as the Lannisters and Tyrells get ready to mourn — and celebrate.

Meanwhile, if you’re lucky enough to live across the pond, HBO invites you to enter to win a seat at the “All Men Must Dine” season 4 DVD release event. Try not to be disappointed; there are no whorehouses involved.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)