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Behold! Every Easter Egg From 'Jessica Jones'

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 24, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 24, 2015 |

Now that you’ve binged all of Jessica Jones (you have, right? It’s been like five days!), it’s time to delve into the chasm of fun Easter eggs we’ve become accustomed to in Marvel properties, courtesy of Mr Sunday Movies. Sure, JJ is a bit more low key than the movies, or even most of the other shows, but those nods and references are still there, both to its source material as well as other Marvel entities.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go finish the show so that I can watch the rest of this video without having to earmuff myself.

Sweet Christmas, that’s awesome. I think my favorite has to be the peeing shot. It was just such a strange thing to see in a female comic book hero, I definitely sqee’d (not peed) a little when it happened in the show.

Via Laughing Squid.