By Courtney Enlow | Videos | December 4, 2013 |
By Courtney Enlow | Videos | December 4, 2013 |
Yes Paleo popcorn is a real thing and also yes it’s cauliflower. You people need to stop calling things things when they are not those things.
Noxious fat-shamer Maria Kang has something to say and it’s pretty much the same thing she said last time which is fat people running around being fat all the time makes her cry into her elliptical machine. This time she said it on CNN when faced with her worst enemy: a person with higher than 12-percent body fat! *faints dead away*
It’s like having to look at the bodies of women without visible ab bumps makes her die inside. Those women look great. This harpy looks great. You look great. I look great. *wipes ranch dressing off mouth* There is such a thing as an unhealthy body type, but it is not depicted here, this bitch isn’t a doctor, I’m not a doctor, you’re probably not a doctor, this guy is definitely a Doctor, and everyone should just shut the fuck up already and eat some fucking popcorn/cauliflower.