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Alison Brie and Adam Scott Had a Party and None of Us Were Invited

By Vivian Kane | Videos | April 10, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | April 10, 2014 |

As far as commercials masquerading as something else go, The Party, with Alison Brie and Adam Scott isn’t bad. Though to be fair, I have trouble imagining anything starring those two being very bad. The video imagines (as we all have at some point, right?) what a party hosted by Brie and Scott would look like. It’s a Smirnoff ad which is being broken up for regular 30 second spots, but you can watch the whole magical night in one take here:

And here’s the bonus “drink responsibly” clip that answers the question: Are these fantasy versions of Adam and Alison married? Dating? Boning? The ARE enjoying next-day bloody marys together.

No! They’re BFFs and neighbors! Just like in my imagination!

Via Uproxx.