By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 8, 2015 |
By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 8, 2015 |
If you’re a guy that has loathed the New England Patriots and Tom Brady since the inception of the Belichick era, this is a good morning for you. Indeed, while it might be satisfying to hear ESPN or talk radio pundits go off on the Pats and Brady this week, nothing really and truly compares to having Jon Stewart and The Daily Show validate your feelings by completely trashing the so-called “greatest QB of all time.” More like greatest CHEATERBACK, amirite?
No? Sorry.
Granted, Stewart still conceded that Brady is so handsome that he’d “fuck the hole in [his] chin,” but he still spends roughly seven minutes calling Tom Brady a liar, and that feels really really nice.