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'Yellowstone' Will Reportedly End After Season 5

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 18, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 18, 2023 |


Sources tell the New York Post what has been rumored for months, namely that Taylor Sheridan’s mega-hit Yellowstone is set to end after the second half of season 5. The first half of season 5 finished airing on New Year’s Day. No one knows when the second half will air, when it will shoot, or if the series’ star Kevin Costner will even be a part of it.

Yellowstone’s inability to finish the fifth (and now final) season reportedly is because of a dispute between Costner and Taylor Sheridan over the number of days that Costner has to be on set. According to sources, it also has a lot to do with egos between the two men, one of whom is Kevin f**king Costner, and the other of whom is the guy who is responsible for a great deal of Paramount+ subscribers, thanks to his Yellowstone spin-offs, Mayor of Kingstown, Tulsa King, and at least four other series coming to Paramount+, including a Billy Bob Thornton series, a Zoe Saldana series, and a David Oyelowo series about Bass Reeves. But maybe Sheridan is not the success he is today if Costner hadn’t signed on to the show that really launched Sheridan’s star.

Sheridan, meanwhile, also has another Yellowstone spin-off on the way starring Matthew McConaughey. It’s unclear what form that will take, or if any of the Yellowstone cast members will join the spin-off. All that is known is that it will shoot in Texas.

Kevin Costner began production on his second Horizon movie, Civil War-era Western films that Costner is co-writing, directing, and starring in. Those movies reportedly cost $100M each to make, and there is apparently a mystery behind the source of Costner’s financing.
Source: NYPost