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AOC Tells Jordan Klepper Why Clarence Thomas Should Resign

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 18, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 18, 2023 |

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Supreme Court Justice and alleged sexual harasser Clarence Thomas is allegedly being bought. Billionaire Nazi-napkin-lover Harlan Crow has taken Thomas on expensive vacations for decades. He also purchased property from Thomas and allowed Thomas’s mother to live there rent-free. Thomas has also been reporting income from a company that shuttered in 2006. Oh, also, his wife is one of the hundreds of crazy people who tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election (albeit via text because she’s a coward).

The Supreme Court’s response to scandal after scandal involving Thomas has, by and large, been a shrug emoji. I’d love to assume otherwise, but it seems that Thomas will once again escape unscathed. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Congresswoman from New York, has different ideas, and they make a lot of sense. In an interview with current Daily Show guest host Jordan Klepper, AOC explained why Clarence Thomas should resign.

It’s simple. Supreme Court Justices don’t get to live extravagant or even “normal” lives. For our country to have faith in our highest court, they must appear incorruptible. We must be able to believe that their decisions are based only on the law of the land and not on who is putting money in their pockets. If you’re thinking, “That seems impossible,” you aren’t totally wrong. Supreme Court Justices are human and incapable of being perfect. However, that doesn’t mean they can be Diamond Joe Quimby levels of corrupt.


Speaking of corrupt Mayors, AOC also took time to slam Eric Adams. Taking NYC’s terrible, awful, showboating mayor to task is one of my favorite things. Certain people tend to bristle at the term “defund the police.” When the alternative is, as AOC points out, defunding libraries, pools, parks, and schools in favor of giving the NYPD robot dogs, “defunding the police” sounds pretty sane.

More people in AOC’s position should be asking Clarence Thomas to resign. He is lazily corrupt in a way that would take down most mobsters. There is no space for him on a working Supreme Court, but it’s become increasingly clear that Republicans don’t want that.