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The '90s Just Called, ON A LANDLINE

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 20, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 20, 2020 |

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Brad Pitt won best supporting actor at the SAG Awards last night, and the man gave one hell of a speech. He said he’d put the award on his Tinder Profile, he made fun of Quentin Tarantino’s creepy foot fetish, and he even made a joke at his own expense, saying that the role — a guy who gets high a lot, takes off his shirt, and doesn’t get along with his wife — wasn’t much of a stretch.

I applaud the editor’s restraint here, only cutting to Jennifer Aniston once during the whole speech (it was during the line about not getting along with his wife, but still).

Speaking of Aniston, she also won for her role in Apple TV+’s The Morning Show, and guess who stopped backstage to watch her speech.

Oh well, that’s interesting, isn’t it? And then, backstage, the two had a bit of a reunion, as seen in the header photo. But also, what’s this? WHAT IS THIS?


People, that is not nothing. That is something. Her finger is inside the jacket. That’s familiarity. If Pitt were a married man, his wife would rightfully be ticked off by that. I mean, it’s not Justin Timberlake getting the inside of his thigh caressed, but that photo will keep a few tabloid mags in business for another six months all on its own.


Anyway, the ’90s called, and they are f**king stoked! They haven’t been this relevant since Macauley Culkin jumped up on stage with Lizzo.

Header Image Source: Getty Images