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Watching Danny Trejo Cook Is A Pure Delight

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 21, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 21, 2023 |

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“I used to be a bad guy, and now… I just love hugging people!” That’s Danny Trejo, the self-proclaimed “Thug who hugs.” Trejo has lived a fascinating life. He turned his life around significantly and became one of Hollywood’s most beloved character actors. Now, he’s got a cookbook (his second cookbook and third book he’s written).

Trejoy stopped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote his new book, and the results were joyous. Danny seems genuinely thrilled to be doing what he’s doing. He’s polite, grateful, and a ball of charisma. Nothing feels forced. There may be a few “pocket lines” he has, but they don’t dominate the conversation. Everything feels off the cuff. Colbert tries to keep the segment on track, but eventually, he lets his guest be his guest.

The food and drink they make also look delicious. While I may not have a bacon-wrapped hotdog anytime soon (but who knows, the day is young), the virgin watermelon cocktail looks refreshing as hell. I don’t drink liquor often anymore, but if I’m out with friends and cotton-mouthed, thanks to what I do like to partake in? A sweet drink does the trick. If I’m feeling fancy (and am at home), some mint, lemon juice, muddled blueberries, and water make for a refreshing beverage.

I want more Danny Trejo hosting cooking shows/segments. Forget the Hollywood Handshake! Give me the Trejo Hug! You like Chopped? Now try… Tropped! Nailed It? More like… … Danned… It.

The idea is sound, even if the names are not.