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'The Daily Show' Releases Anti-Bullying PSA Aimed At Ron DeSantis

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 4, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 4, 2022 |

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Bullying has no place in our schools! Neither does Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis. Luckily, thanks to The Daily Show, we find ourselves in a, “two birds one stone” type situation. DeSantis was recently seen being super mature in responding to several high school students wearing masks at a press conference he was running. Like the cowardly person he is, he yells at the students and then leaves without even saying goodbye.

I was bullied in high school, middle school, and the other day when I wore my The Simpsons socks in front of my niece. She’s vicious. But it’s something I would expect from a ten-year-old. It’s not something that should be coming from a sitting Governor. You can tell from his tone, his posture, and his overall dickish demeanor that this is the type of thing he does all the time. It’s embarrassing, but shame seems to be as foreign to DeSantis as decency.

You’d hope that an incident like this would be one of the final moments in a terrible political career. Instead, it will likely make him even more popular with his base. In a world full of wannabe Scut Farkuses, there are too many Grover Dills. Cronies who think they’ll be safer if they side with the bully. It’s pathetic, but as long as people like DeSantis embrace it, it will only get worse.