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Cinema's Perfect Pair Steven Spielberg And John Williams Have Never Argued

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 3, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 3, 2023 |

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Collaboration is integral to filmmaking. Even the most single-minded filmmakers will (hopefully) admit that they cannot do it alone. When gathering a crew, you’re looking for people you can trust to do their jobs. From the gaffer to the first AD, every position is essential. Yet there’s something extra special about the bond between director and composer. You can see that bond at its strongest by watching Steven Spielberg and John Williams.

The two legendary filmmakers have worked together on 29 films. That’s all but three of Spielberg’s movies. Their work together is extraordinary. As Spielberg mentions in an interview they did with Stephen Colbert, Williams’s music fits his films “like a glove.” That statement could not be more accurate. The two men’s work goes so hand in hand that it’s almost impossible to separate them from one another. Not that they would want that.

During their discussion with Colbert, Williams mentions that he and Spielberg have never argued. Twenty-nine films over almost 50 years and not one argument! That’s insane! Motion pictures are collaborative, yes, but they are also ripe for disagreements. That’s not a bad thing. Sometimes two people’s creative visions don’t line up. That’s why it seems almost impossible that two people could go decades without arguing. If you watch the two talk, it makes sense.

Spielberg and Williams come across as the best old married couple possible. They finish each other’s sentences. They listen intently to one another. They make each other smile. It’s an utter joy to behold. We should all be lucky enough to have a coworker like that in any profession.