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Stephen Colbert Is Here To Customize Your Birthing Experience

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 15, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 15, 2022 |

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Almost one year ago, my wife gave birth to two beautiful babies. It was a magical day that I will remember for the rest of my life. She looked beautiful and handled it with strength and grace. Our room was overlooking our old neighborhood and we sat with our incredible babies, running through possibilities in our head. It was an amazing experience, but you know what would have made it better? Ski-ball! If only Stephen Colbert had taken on his latest venture sooner.

In a new episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the host discussed the custom birth suite trend. Hospitals are offering designer birthing suites to fit certain personalities. Chiefly the personalities that ask, “What if we wanted to feel embarrassed by this in ten years?” Colbert found the style choice limited and decided to come up with a few of his own.

There’s a lot to love about this bit. For instance, we get a classic Colbert crack-up. The man’s straight-laced delivery is only made funnier when he can’t maintain it. He takes an idea here that is on the line of being absurd and pushes it right over that line. It’s the kind of silly, fun bit that made me a late-night fan to begin with. Now if I can just convince my wife to have our next kid in the Lids room.

Just kidding, two kids at once is plenty.