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Santa Wants Amber Ruffin To Stop Being Creepy

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 21, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 21, 2022 |

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Sometimes you can be so wrapped up in the romanticism of something that you don’t see how weird it is. Growing up, I would have happily covered myself in American flag clothes on July 4th. Now, as I have a better understanding of this country in which I live and cults, I would not. Something else that never seemed weird? Asking for love on Christmas. Who wouldn’t want to have Santa bring them that special someone? Well, Santa, for one!

Kris Kringle swung by The Amber Ruffin Show to crush Amber’s dreams. She was singing about wanting her true love for Christmas, and Santa shot that down like the military aiming at Jack Skellington. Why would Santa bring Amber a human person? Where would he even find a person? Does she want him to go from “tinkerer to trafficker?” All of Santa’s reasons for not getting Amber what she wants make a lot of sense.

This is such a smart and funny sketch. It’s got an excellent setup and the execution couldn’t be better. Amber plays deflated so well, and takes the whole thing so seriously, that every denial from Santa feels like a gut punch. She’s crushed and rightfully so! Santa is often in the business of rebuking!