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Ryan Gosling Cannot Keep It Together For Even One Skit As Host of 'SNL'

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 14, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 14, 2024 |


Cold Open — Kate McKinnon returns for another alien abduction skit with Ryan Gosling, the original abductee. And yes, Gosling breaks character again. And yes, it is both hilarious and borderline sexual harassment. (Score: 6.5 out of 10)

Ryan Gosling Monologue — One of the better cold opens in years, with Ryan Gosling trying to break up with his character Ken through song and Emily Blunt trying to snap him out of it before she joins him because she misses her Oppenheimer character, and it’s just a whole lot of Barbenheimer awesomeness. (Score: 8.5 out of 10)

Broken Proposal — Ryan Gosling proposes to his girlfriend, and while they’re celebrating with another couple, Gosling confesses to a guy named Brad that it was a mistake and that he really wants to get out of it, which obviously makes Brad very uncomfortable. And Gosling is breaking character again. (Score: 6.5 out of 10)

Get that Boy Back — In a song with Chris Stapleton (who is terrific), several women plot psychological torture against him in hilariously cruel ways (bonus: Ryan Gosling raps). It’s a catchy song, too. (Score: 7.5 out of 10)

Accents — Three guys hanging out and drinking beers, one of which (Gosling) is from Tennesee but has a thick Cuban accent since he started dating a Cuban woman. It’s basically Marcello Herndandez’s real accent going to battle with Gosling’s fake one while they talk about hanging out with the original dog from Beethoven. Gosling is a treasure. (Watch Here) (Score: 6 out of 10)

Newsnation Town Hall — During a town hall on AI, a guy who looks like Beavis (Gosling) is distracting to the guest, but when he moves, he’s replaced by a guy who looks like Butthead (Mikey Day). The best part of this skit, genuinely, is that Heidi Gardner clearly has no idea what to expect when she turns around because when she sees Gosling as Beavis and Day as Butthead, she completely loses her shit (and Gosling and Day, in turn, do the same). Lots of giggles tonight, but this is weirdly muy favorite and also the Mat sketch of the week. (Score: 8 out of 10)

Weekend Update — Che is peak Che tonight, and gets himself in trouble with a terrible Caitlin Clark joke except that Caitlin Clark is there to bail him out. She writes some jokes for Che to read, and Che is the butt of all of them. Perfection. Meanwhile, Michael Longfellow does a segment on boyfriends and weaponized incompetence (I thought that was just a teenager thing) — he’s great, but I can’t embed them all (watch here). Great update. (Score: 9 out of 10)

Cookie Crumbles — Apparently, no one can keep their shit together when Gosling is around. This is not even a particularly good sketch — about doctors who dropped cookie crumbles into a patient and killed him — but no one can keep it together when Gosling cracks. (Watch Here) (Score: 5 out of 10)

Erin Brockovich — In a deleted scene from Erin Brokovich, a motorcycle guy tries to ask out Brockovich and there’s a lot of yammering about letters and numbers, and Gosling breaks AGAIN. I think that, aside from the cold open, he broken in every single skit tonight. Is that a record? (Watch Here) (Score: 4 out of 10)