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Marlon Wayans Explores His Historic Career

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 7, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 7, 2023 |

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Marlon Wayans is a wildly successful actor (and comedian). He’s been working for decades. His roles range from broad comedies to tense dramas. The man is a consummate professional, not only for his work but for his attitude toward it. Marlon is part of a comedy dynasty and manages to stand out. Now, he’s taking a look at the career that he’s had, and he’s not shy about taking himself to task.

Wayans is the guest host of The Daily Show this week. He kicked things off with a career retrospective. Marlon sat down to dissect his many performances. It feels like a lifetime achievement award-type video. Marlon quickly makes it clear that this is not the case. He kicks things off with White Chicks and only gets sillier from there.

One of the things I love about this video is Marlon’s willingness to do it. It takes a big person to poke fun at themselves on this grand scale. It makes sense that he would. Marlon is a very level-headed and thoughtful individual. He was a guest on WTF with Marc Maron in 2021, and it’s a fascinating interview. They get in-depth about their acting processes, and Marlon is deeply insightful. He’s willing to reflect and share with Maron, a relative newcomer, without any pretense that a decades-spanning career could bring.

Marlon Wayans deserves a lot of credit for his career. The fact that he’s able to look at it with such humility only strengthens that.

Sidenote: The video is NSFW so take that into consideration.