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'Ghosted' Turns Chris Evans into Ana de Armas's Damsel in Distress

By Nate Parker | Film | March 7, 2023 |

By Nate Parker | Film | March 7, 2023 |


Cole Riggan (Chris Evans) is a farmer looking for love. Sadie (Ana de Armas) seems like she might be the one. But after a single whirlwind date she vanishes, leaving Cole to wonder if she’s blocked his number or just out of contact. So he heads to London to find her, only to quickly discover Sadie’s not what she seems and he’s in over his head.

I feel like I need to say this right from the start: Fellas, don’t chase a woman across the ocean. Not even if you had a great first date. No, not even if you’re Chris Evans. It’s creepy. But this is a movie, so the usual romance rules do not apply. It looks cute! I appreciate the swapping of traditional movie roles, and it’s a great opportunity for Evans to dive back into comedy after so many years as the stalwart Steve Rogers. I’ll take any opportunity to watch Evans flail about onscreen like Sandra Bullock in The Lost City. Plus the Jordan Peterson\Ben Shapiro tirades about the feminization of America’s greatest hero should prove very entertaining. It’s enough to make me forgive the bad green screen framing and awful protagonist name.

Costarring Amy Sedaris, Adrien Brody, Tate Donovan, and Tim Blake Nelson, Ghosted comes from the minds of Marvel writer Chris McKenna (the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle), and Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, writers of Zombieland and the Deadpool movies. That’s a pedigree I can get behind. It’s directed by Dexter Fletcher, best known — by me — as Soap in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Ghosted is an Apple TV+ exclusive, and premieres April 23.