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Jordan Klepper Knows How January 6th Insurrectionists Should Be Treated

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 1, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 1, 2024 |

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A running theme in the Ghostbusters films is that no one believes that the eponymous team saves the day. They busted a hundred-foot marshmallow man, rode the Statue Of Liberty through the streets of Manhattan, and still folks are like, “Yeah but did they really?” In a series where people can stand to be around Bill Murray for more than two minutes, people memory-holing giants walking through New York City still felt like the most unbelievable thing presented. Then January 6th happened.

If you were even slightly paying attention on January 6th, 2021, you saw an angry mob violently attacking the Capitol building in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election. Hell, you didn’t even have to watch it live. Any look at the footage or pictures from that day will tell you that something awful was happening. Still, scores of deceitful hate-mongers have spent most of the last three years pretending that what we witnessed was, at worst, a peaceful protest.

Jordan Klepper recently dived into how the narrative about January 6th has been spun. A recent example of how removed from reality we are about that horrible day was NBC’s hiring of former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel. Other members of the network protested her hiring, on air, not because she is a Republican, but because she played a part in amplifying TFG’s lies about the election, which helped January 6th happen. It’s that simple. But, in an attempt to lessen the impact of January 6th, many on the Right are calling foul.

As Klepper points out on The Daily Show, people like McDaniel have to be held responsible for their actions. The attempted insurrection cannot be looked back on like some innocuous event. Still, sitting members of Congress and the Senate are trying to push for that. People with large audiences of idiots are trying to convince them that the day Democracy almost died was merely a vacation pit stop that went awry. The worst part is that it’s working.

That McDaniel even got the job at NBC is troubling. The QAnon Shaman is running for Congress. The plight of January 6th Insurrectionists has become a rallying cry for the far-right. It’s like if Mayor of NYC Eric Adams came out tomorrow and said, “We need to support and protect the unfairly maligned Stay Puft Marshmallow Man who, like so many around the world, simply wanted to visit the greatest city on Earth.” Utterly insane? Yes. Completely off the table at this point? No way.