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Joel McHale Confirms This Cast Member Isn't 'Allowed' To Return For 'Community' Movie

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 3, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 3, 2024 |


Community had a lot of shake-ups for a show that only lasted six seasons. It lost its creator and showrunner, Dan Harmon, after he had disagreements with the network. Then it got its showrunner back. The show was canceled by NBC after five seasons, only to be resurrected on a short-lived Yahoo streaming service. Several cast members quit or were fired. The show changed a bunch but still managed to make it to its meta goal of six seasons and now a movie.

The Community movie will be filming soon(ish). Harmon told Donald Glover that the script was finished. Then, he backtracked. But, it is happening. The original cast is confirmed to return. Even Donald Glover, whose star has risen considerably since the show’s end, which he hadn’t stayed around for anyway. However, not every original cast member will be around for the movie. One cast member will not join their Greendale classmates, and I don’t mean John Oliver (though that wouldn’t surprise me).

Joel McHale was recently (assume forced) to speak to the New York Post. In that interview, he was asked about everyone’s least favorite Community cast member, Chevy Chase. The actor’s disruption of the show is well-documented. He was mean to his co-workers. He had many disagreements with Harmon. He was racist and s****y and things even got physical between him and McHale. Despite being funny his presence was not missed when he left the show. It won’t be missed in the movie, either.

When asked about Chase’s possible return, McHale didn’t mince words. “I don’t think he’s allowed to. I don’t think it would happen. I’m guessing if you asked him, he wouldn’t be interested.” He continued, saying, “Obviously, his unceremonious departure in Season 4 pretty much did that in.” The idea that Chase wouldn’t return for the movie is not surprising. His behavior while working on the show was unacceptable. But McHale is right in that he’d likely want to return. He doesn’t get to. Those are consequences.