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'Jeopardy' Season 40 and the ToC In Danger Because of the AMPTP

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 25, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 25, 2023 |


The one thing the networks thought they could rely on to fill their scheduling needs during the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes this fall was reality television and game shows. In the case of the biggest game show of them all, that may not be true. Recall that Mayim Bialik declined to tape the last week of Jeopardy episodes in season 39 out of solidarity with the writers. There was technically no picket line to cross because Ken Jennings belongs to neither SAG nor the WGA, but he deservedly got flack for hosting the remainder of the season’s games all the same.

As season 40 approaches, Jeopardy has reportedly considered recycling old questions instead of relying on their writers to come up with new questions. This consideration is not sitting well with everyone. In fact, several winners from last season are declining to participate in the “Tournament of Champions,” which pits the biggest winners from the previous season against each other. This includes 13-time winner Ray Lalonde, who won over $380,000, and who announced his decision on Reddit.

I am a lifelong devoted fan of Jeopardy!. I am and will always be grateful for the experience I had on the show and the opportunity to participate in the TOC is beyond a dream come true for me. That being said, I believe that the show’s writers are a vital part of the show and they are justified in taking their job action to secure a fair contract for themselves and their fellow WGA members. As a supporter of the trade union movement, a union member’s son and a proud union member myself, I have informed the show’s producers that if the strike remains unresolved, I will not cross a picket line to play in the Tournament of Champions.

My hope in saying this publicly now is to perhaps influence some future decision to proceed without the writers and to encourage any others in the community who feel the same way to speak out as well. A few small voices may not change any minds but we can try.

After Lalonde made his announcement, several other TOC invitees said they would not participate, either, including Chris Pannullo, Hannah Wilson, Ben Chan, Troy Meyer, Ben Goldstein, Luigi de Guzman, and Suresh Krishnan. That means that, at least, the four highest earners last season will not be participating, nor will Celebrity Jeopardy champion Ike Barinholtz.

Sony Pictures TV would do well to postpone the tournament until the end of the strikes. In fact, they’d do well to postpone season 40 until the strikes have ended. A delay is reportedly under consideration, according to TVLine, out of fear that both the contestants and the audience would oppose episodes that use previously written questions. Moreover, Bialik will not host until the strikes are over, and it would be a bad look for Jennings to do so. Given what happened with Jeopardy under Mike Richards’ brief tenure, the game show certainly doesn’t want to spoil all the goodwill it has regained since his departure.