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It's Official: Pat Sajak Hands Over 'Wheel of Fortune' To A New Host

By Andrew Sanford | TV | June 14, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | June 14, 2024 |


The television landscape is a lot different than it was in 1983. There was no streaming. People didn’t watch whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to. Everything was viewed on heavy tube TVs. There was more of a communal experience over what you watched because people mostly watched the same things. A lot has changed since then. What hasn’t changed is that Wheel of Fortune is still getting butts on couches.

Wheel of Fortune is a cultural phenomenon. It has remained popular and is broadcast into people’s homes Monday through Friday. In 1983, Pat Sajak became the host of the famed television show. He and his co-host, Vanna White, have become fixtures in people’s homes. It’s hard to imagine the show without either of them at this point. But we don’t have to imagine it because Sajak is stepping down.

The last Wheel of Fortune episode hosted by Sajak aired last week. It was a big to-do, accompanied by emotional goodbyes and word puzzles. Now, Pat is officially handing over hosting duties to his replacement: Ryan Seacrest. Sajak appeared with White and Seacrest in an ad for the Big Switch. It is short and sweet, with Sajak complimenting White on his way out.

“You’re never going to find a better job, and you’re never going to find a better co-host,” Sajak tells Seacrest. It’s one of those things where it is probably sincere, but Sajak saying anything in his “host voice” feels devoid of emotion in a strange way. It even trails off a bit, as if he wants to move on to introducing the next guest. A side effect of doing the same job for over forty years.