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Pat Sajak Is Not Who We Thought He Was

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | February 4, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | February 4, 2015 |

Pat Sajak, the decades-long host of Wheel of Fortune, dropped a bomb on Twitter today that may make you question everything you hold to be a universal truth.

This information comes to us despite the fact that Sajak’s own Twitter profile describes him as a “Game show host, icon, sexagenarian,” which I imagine is the description no matter what his age may be. So why the change of heart? And will other game show hosts persons with risky/rewardy shows based around identifying various things also come forward against this apparently derogative term?

While we’re on the subject of Pat Sajak saying things I don’t understand, his Twitter account is worth a romp. He’s got a lot of things to say about pretty much everything. Like sports:

The weather:

Especially the weather.


And despite the title change, he takes his job VERY seriously.

He’s basically Ron Swanson, but with a little bit of Andy Dwyer mixed in.

Stay cool, Pat Sajak.