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Fox News Is Spinning A New Conspiracy Theory After Latest Biden Impeachment Setback

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 22, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 22, 2024 |


FOX News wears its bias with pride. There is no pretending or posturing. They can’t report on the news without adding a dose of brain-rotting, absurd subjectivity. When TFG blatantly does something wrong, they pretend it didn’t happen (or praise it as if it is the work of a genius). If there is even a whiff of a scandal involving Democrats, they will drive it into the ground until their viewers are not only convinced that it’s true but there is nothing that will convince them otherwise.

Look no further than Fox’s coverage of an alleged informant who claimed to have insider information about Joe and Hunter Biden’s “crime syndicate.” They all but called the man a saint sent from God to smite the non-believers. There were think pieces galore about the man’s bombshell accusations. Fox faithful were treated to a story deemed so dramatic as to make them believe that the end of the Biden Presidency was assured! Spoiler alert: that was not the case.

The informant in question, Alexander Smirnov, got all his information from Russian intelligence agencies. You know, the same country that has been meddling in our elections for almost a decade. It’s the same place run by a man with no problem ruling like a ruthless dictator. To anyone not Fox-pilled, it’s abundantly clear that this man was working on behalf of Russian interests. Only people with zero shame or morals would treat this revelation as proof of shenanigans by the U.S. Government. You see where this is going.

Desi Lydic took to the Daily Show desk last night to highlight Fox’s own Jesse Waters taking the principle of Occam’s-Razor and hurling it into traffic. A man who is an admitted informant provided false information in an attempt to disrupt American elections? Not in the Waters’s world. This is just some massive cover-up by the world’s greatest criminal mastermind… Joe Biden. It would be laughable if Waters didn’t commit so hard. Instead, it goes from funny to scary in a nanosecond.

Lydic is known for doing a segment called Foxsplaining The News, so at least the scares did have laughs peppered in. It’s great to see her get to tear down that shill of a network with the confidence of a learned, sensible host and not whoever FOX decides to prop up when one of their gaggle of whiny liars ceases to be profitable. The Daily Show is supposed to be the “fake” news show, but, as always, they manage to stay a step ahead of their more “serious” counterparts. You’d hope that FOX would feel shame about that, but there’s no money in that.