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Enjoy Some Positive Affirmation From Amber Ruffin

By Andrew Sanford | TV | August 3, 2021 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | August 3, 2021 |


There is no shortage of Amber Ruffin content lately. That alone is enough to make me happy. Not only is she funny, talented, smart, and one of the best-dressed people on television. .. she also seems like a great person. That’s huge for me. I can completely lose interest in someone if it turns out they are a joke. Throughout my years of Broadway bartending, let’s just say I’ve met some celebrities that are real jerks. Amber, however, seems like the real deal.

For evidence, look no further than her recent video for the Tokyo Olympics. Amber has been there, interviewing athletes, skateboarding with Tony Hawk, getting everyone to fall in love with handball. Aside from getting her own talk show, Ruffin’s time in Tokyo has been the perfect job for her. Her enthusiasm is unreal, and today she passed that enthusiasm and goodwill over to some Olympic athletes!

It was simple yet effective. Amber waited for several athletes to emerge into the press circle. Instead of asking them about their technique or the pressures of competing, she told them how great they are. Seriously! You can see how much the athletes appreciate it and how caught off guard they are. It’s such a wonderful and pure segment. Every person she talks to leaves with a smile. If you don’t leave the video with a smile then I’m sorry but it’s time to double-check that pulse.

In a world where athletes feel the ever-increasing pressure of talking to the press after achieving incredible feats, it’s refreshing to see Amber Ruffin embrace positivity. Olympic athletes are incredible! They work incredibly hard and sometimes come to the Olympics just to see their hopes dashed. Why not tell them how great they are?!