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I Would Like Amber Ruffin To Convince My Twin Babies To Take Naps, Please And Thank You

By Andrew Sanford | TV | August 2, 2021 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | August 2, 2021 |


I am the proud father of two four-month-old twin boys. Recently, my wife and I have been trying to get them used to taking naps during the day. We have been… unsuccessful in that department. Not only are they lil baby boys and therefore prone to doing whatever they want, but they also seem to not like naps. Well, I have a solution! I’m going to ask Amber Ruffin to explain to them how awesome naps are. Boom! Problem solved.

The charismatic talk-show host has been doing a series of interviews and segments for the Tokyo Olympics called “Your New Favorite Sport”. They have been delightful. She discusses a sport, be it surfing or skateboarding, with a professional athlete or trainer. Through her infectious enthusiasm, Ruffin explores the ins and outs of the sport until, by the end, it becomes your new favorite sport! No foolin’!

Ruffin is absolutely perfect for this kind of bit. In this newest segment, she talks with handball analyst Dawn Lewis, and ya know what I’m super interested in now? Handball! With every question Amber asked I was more and more enthused. It’s not just the questions either. It’s her demeanor, her sunny disposition, if you will. There’s an excitement she exudes that makes you say “I want to be that excited!”

SO! I think it’s safe to assume that this superpower of hers would work on two cute, yet occasionally fussy twin babies. It doesn’t even have to be in person! It’s clear that her influence is capable of traveling through space and time and fiber optics. I’m confident that, after listening to Amber for a few minutes, my cute little sweeties would be more apt to nap.

Amber, if you’re reading this, just think it over. Worst case scenario is that it doesn’t work but you get to see two of the cutest little baby boys ya ever seen in your life. I just want them to love naps as much as you love handball and skateboarding and surfing.

Thank you for your time.