By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 2, 2024 |
By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 2, 2024 |
After two decades (off-and-on) and 404 episodes, Sam Waterston is leaving NBC’s Law & Order, where his character Jack McCoy served as assistant district attorney before being promoted to Manhattan District Attorney in the 17th season. He returned when Law & Order was revived and served as a bridge between eras. The character has served for 24 years in the D.A.’s office and was known, back in the day, for sleeping with his co-workers, one of whom he married.
I don’t know why, but this feels more like writing an obituary than announcing the exit of a character. Sam Waterston has embodied Law & Order for so long that it’s hard to imagine the show without him. That said, while his character, Jack McCoy, has always been aggressive in seeking justice, the character’s compassion disappeared in recent seasons. As the DA, he only had maybe 90 seconds of screen time each episode, so there hasn’t been a lot to do besides deliver a few pat lines and furrow his considerable eyebrows. Still, it’s like losing Jerry Orbach’s Detective Lennie Briscoe all over again.
Waterston’s last episode will air on February 22nd. He will be replaced as District Attorney by a character played by Tony Goldwyn (Scandal).
via THR