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David Letterman and Howard Stern Take Turns Trashing Jay Leno

By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 2, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 2, 2012 |

Last night on “The Late Show,” Dave Letterman celebrated his 30th Anniversary on late night TV (yeah, you are that old) by bringing back his old pal Howard Stern. Invariably, whenever Stern comes on the show, talk turns to Leno, and it’s great TV. Stern goes on a anti-Leno tear, and Letterman acts a little sheepish about the whole thing, until about halfway through the segment when he decides to gang up on that weasel, too.

Yes, the Late Night wars are over. The two shows are basically trading ratings wins. Honestly, at this point, late night television is a haven for mostly older folks and insomniacs; most of our late-night coverage outside of Comedy Central comes via viral videos the next day. It doesn’t mean a good Leno trashing isn’t cathartic, and while Letterman has apologized to Leno for calling him Charles Manson, he hasn’t completely forgiven him. He never will because 1) what Leno has done over the years is unforgivable, and 2) Leno doesn’t think he’s ever done anything wrong, and therefore will never show contrition.

Anyway, check out the exchange. It’s great TV. When you’re done, you can also head over here and catch a three-minute montage recounting some of the more notable guests on his show.