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Daniel Craig Thinks Stuffing Is An 'Abomination'

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 22, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 22, 2022 |

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Every year, the night before Thanksgiving, my family on my mom’s side gets together for a stuffing night. It’s a potluck-style dinner that revolves around stuffing. However, it’s not your standard, moist bread-style stuffing that you’d find in a red box at your local Kroger. The stuffing my family makes is based on an old Navy recipe that my grandfather used. It is, for all intents and purposes, a soup. I do not like it in the slightest, and while I can’t say that it inspired my move to NYC at 18 so as to avoid it entirely, that has been a benefit.

So, when I heard Daniel Craig refer to stuffing as an abomination on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, I couldn’t agree fast enough. I assumed that he had managed to get his mitts on a bowl of runny, WWII-era bread soup from a member of my family. Instead, he was talking about the kind of stuffing I like. Daniel Craig does not think my basic-ass, boxed stuffing is necessary, and now I don’t know what to believe.

It’s not like I’m against mixing things up at Thanksgiving. I’m down to experiment, as it were. There are just some things that I feel are fine to be basic about. Cranberry sauce is one of them. It’s not cranberry sauce to me unless it comes from a can, and I can see the ridges of the can on the side. The other thing is stuffing. Why make a whole soup instead of just taking something from a box and focusing your energy on more important pursuits, Aunt Lou?! Those yams ain’t gonna whip themselves!

I also don’t disagree with Craig saying that stuffing is unnecessary. But that’s because everything at Thanksgiving is unnecessary. That’s the point! You sit down with friends and family and give thanks for everything you have by eating it all at once. You spend the day gorging and sitting and standing and gorging and sleeping. Why not add some slightly moist and seasoned bread to the mix?

There have to be other people out there who have been subjected to the same kind of stuffing I have, but I hope that’s not true. I hope that you’ve never been offered stuffing and said yes, only to be handed a bowl of soup. If you have experienced this, I’m sorry, but at least you have something you can relate to Daniel Craig with! Kind of!