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90 Never Looked So Cool

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | December 17, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | December 17, 2023 |


Agatha Christie: Lucy Worsley on the Mystery Queen on PBS at 8:00pm ET.

Willie Nelson’s 90th Birthday Celebration on CBS at 8:30pm ET. Two-hour special presentation. Willie Nelson and some of his friends get together to celebrate his birthday and his career. Performers include Gary Clark Jr., Roseanne Cash, Sheryl Crow, Snoop Dogg, The Chicks, George Strait, Beck, and a whole lot of others.

Fellow Travelers on Showtime at 9:00pm ET. First season finale. I haven’t watched this, so I don’t know if it’s looking for a second season or not. It’s called a “miniseries” but we know how that’s gone with other “miniseries.”

The Gilded Age on HBO at 9:00pm ET. Second season finale.

Archer: Into the Cold on FX and FXX at 10:00pm ET. Special presentation. This is the Archer finale, technically three episodes strung together to be not quite a full film length.