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The Station Agents Ep 77: 'Three Finales and an Awards Ceremony' Edition

By Corey Atad | Station Agents | August 28, 2014 |

By Corey Atad | Station Agents | August 28, 2014 |

Apologies for the delayed posting of the new episode, but fear not, The Station Agents is here this week to satiate your TV talk needs. Dustin Rowles is away on vacation, probably in a state of constant worry that the site will burn to the ground. So far that hasn’t happened, and Vanity Fair’s Joanna Robinson and Uproxx’s Josh Kurp are still around to talk about the finales of Korra, Rectify and True Blood. And of course, there’s also a discussion of the Emmys, which were handed out Monday night.

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Here’s Show Notes For The Spoilerphobes!

0:00 - Intro
2:15 - The Legend of Korra
8:40 - Rectify
13:30 - True Blood
20:30 - The Emmys
31:20 - The Bridge
35:00 - The Good Wife
36:45 - Outro

(For those listening on iTunes, the Apple Podcasts app, or other Enhanced AAC-compatible software, the audio file contains chapter markers for your skipping convenience.)

A very special thanks to Jasmine Markes who designed our logo.

You can follow Corey Atad on Twitter, or listen to his Mad Men podcast, Not Great, Pod!