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The Greatest, Latest 'Star Wars' Spin-Off Rumor Just Might Make Your Kilt Fly Up

By Cindy Davis | Star Wars | September 15, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Star Wars | September 15, 2014 |

While many of us first fell for Sir Alec Guinness’ Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars, by the time we saw Ewan McGregor take over his role in the prequel series, we were madly in lust. But, it’s not just about McGregor’s looks; the award-winning actor was a natural to fill Guinness’ shoes, and one of the (few) great things about Episodes I - III.

Ever since Disney announced the Star Wars spin-off movies to be directed by Gareth Edwards (Godzilla, Monsters) and Josh Trank (The Fantastic Four, Chronicle), fans have been dreaming up which characters might rate a standalone story. Sure, we’d love to see Leia’s life play out with the right lead actress, and Boba Fett could carry a film…but bring back Ewan McGregor to head up an Obi-Wan spin-off — that’s the one I’m running to the theater for. So, you’ll understand my excitement at Making Star Wars’ claim that an Obi-Wan film is being developed:

“Obi-Wan Kenobi - I’ve heard from quite a few people now that an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie is in the works. For the spin-off movies they were initially going to stay away from any Jedi or Sith characters. But I’m hearing now that because of the popularity of Obi-Wan (fans recently voting for him on the official website etc) that an art team is now working with a writer on concepts for an Obi-Wan movie.”

McGregor has already made it known he’s up for Kenobi’s standalone story, in fact he’s already come up with the story idea:

Talk about making my skirt fly up…


And if that’s not enough to blow your Monday load, UK news outlets are reporting that Daniel Craig has already filmed a cameo for Star Wars: Episode VII, in a role that “keeps his face hidden. ” Finally, rumor has it that Hugh Jackman, Robert Downey Jr and Samuel L Jackson are also in the process of working on minor appearances.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)