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Three Awesomely Geeky Things I Saw on Facebook Today

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | April 16, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | April 16, 2012 |

Did you know that it’s Patriot’s Day? It’s true. Apparently, it’s only a holiday we celebrate in New England, where schools and offices are mostly closed. Yes, in liberal elitist New England. WHO ARE THE REAL PATRIOTS NOW?

Presumably because of the “holiday,” the news cycle has not smiled upon me today, so I turned to the glory that is Facebook, and found three items that will take you into the blissful evening.

  • First up, from a reader, Reba, is the above image of John Barrowman. The woman he is kissing is Jane the Phoole from the renaissance faire near Chicago. The image was taken at C2E2, an acronym that is too geeky for me to understand. What I do understand, however, is the intoxicating power of Captain Jack.

  • I also noticed a surprisingly substantial uptick on traffic driven toward our Sean Bean Death Reel today, and it didn’t occur to me why until I headed over to Facebook and discovered there’s a “Save Sean Bean in 2012” campaign.


    Unfortunately, it does not appear that the people behind this campaign have seen ABC’s “The Missing” (they are not alone in … er .. missing it). Unfortunately, Bean dies in the first ten minutes of that show (but he lives on in flashbacks).

  • Finally, a look-see at reader Lauren’s page revealed this neat picture of the kids of “Game of Thrones” (presumably pre-season one). They are adorable except, as Lauren noted, Alfie Allen “who looks like he’s planning on killing someone and making their skin into a jacket.”


    See Also: “Game of Thrones” Undressed, Joanna’s post of all your favorite “GoT” characters in their street clothes.