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Celebrity Push Up Challenges I’d Like to Watch

By Kate Hudson | Lists | August 16, 2018 |

By Kate Hudson | Lists | August 16, 2018 |


Another year, another celebrity push-up challenge for a worthy cause. The newest one has Michael Strahan donating equipment to Merging Vets and Players, a non-profit that brings together former professional athletes and former combat veterans to tackle the transition between their service ending and reintegrating into civilian life. Through the tag #UNBREAKABLExMSX, Strahan, an ex-NFL Defensive End himself, will donate a piece of equipment for every completed set of 25 pushups.

Worst Chris has already done it. He was fine. Adequate even. Best Chris has been tagged to be in it. He is fine, and like a beautiful sun-drenched meadow of rainbows and unicorns, I’m sure his contribution to this challenge will shine like a beacon of goodness and excellence.

Let’s be honest here, John Krasinski has done it, the Rock has been tagged to do it, and I’m sure we’re going to see the usual players including Chris #2 and #3 get in on the action, too. Our best hope for “diversity” from the usual suspects is to get Tom Cruise to do a manic set while grinning wildly because he’s still on the promotional circuit for the last Mission Impossible movie.

This is for a great cause, but at this point, the typical selections are played out and a bit boring; are we supposed to believe the Rock doing 25 push-ups is an ask? We’ve seen every one of these men work out for charity before. Let others get in on the action and donate their time for a good cause!

Here’s a list of celebrities who would be a breath of fresh air to participate in the #UNBREAKABLExMSX challenge. Maybe we can get the Rock to tag them?

  1. 1. Peter Weller, Dressed as Robocop. It’s been a long time since he’s donned that get up, but you know what could entice him to put it on again? A good cause.

  2. 2. Beyoncé. You know she can do 25 push-ups, she can do anything, and would most likely smell like Tahitian vanilla, and a flower that only grows on a private hidden island where we mere mortals could never go, while she did it.

  3. 3. Paul Giamatti. No explanation needed.

  4. 4. Leslie Jones. Not only is she fierce, but deftly completing 25 push-ups without breaking a sweat will definitely send a message to all Twitter trolls who would cross her. She can handle herself (although we knew that already.)

  5. 5. Lou Diamond Phillips. I feel like we haven’t seen him in a while, and it would be nice to include him in what Hollywood is doing.

  6. 6. Betty White. This would break the internet, and give Merging Vets and Players an inordinate amount of attention, which could further their cause.

An ideal scenario would have all six, in a circle, do the 25 push-ups together while soft gentle jazz played in the background.

Obviously, this list is a bit of a stretch, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

Who do you want to see do the newest push-up challenge?