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9 Celebrities We'd Probably Let Get Away with Just About Anything

By Cindy Davis | Lists | April 29, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | April 29, 2015 |

This afternoon, I watched a trailer for Woody Allen’s new film, Irrational Man. Of course, as soon as you click on something like that — at least for me — there’s an internal monologue. Woody Allen…do I feel dirty just for watching his movie trailer…and what about the actors I like who are in the film…blah blah blah, let’s see what it is. First off, why did I click on it at all? That’s easy: Emma Stone and Joaquin Phoenix. Two different perceptions of two very different people (personas), I have — one seems very nice and is a great actress, and one seems like he can be crazy, cool, or just has been through a heck of a life, and is a great actor — but people are super suspicious of him after that Letterman stuff. That thought process got me thinking about what happened with Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner last week, as well as the video of Renner singing Dustin posted today (and no, he won’t become my favorite Avenger); how come there are some people who’ll get away with just about anything, and others who we don’t automatically give the benefit of the doubt?

After those maybe funny — but for a national interview? — still in bad taste comments about Black Widow, a group of us on Facebook all had pretty similar reactions. We all basically said, Yeah — Renner, we can see it, but Chris Evans? He was just…caught up in the moment or trying to fit in. And whether there’s some logical reason or not, there are celebrities (like Evans) we’re pretty forgiving about, and others we’re practically sitting at the ready to be disappointed in — often because of nothing more than a gut feeling.

All of this to say: Hey, look; Emma Stone’s in a Woody Allen movie and we’ll never hold it against her. But so is Joaquin Phoenix, and we’ll probably remember that for some future grudge. If Renner ever says something untoward again, we’ll quickly recall that Black Widow joke; Evans — we’re pretty much lost in those big, blue nice guy eyes, and stories of him helping old ladies up steps. What’s it all about? Heck if I know, but in the meantime Emma’s leading this group of celebrities who can probably do no wrong.

Tom Hanks


Emma Stone


Mark Ruffalo


Emma Watson


Chris Evans


Tilda Swinton


Colin Firth


Helen Mirren and Tom Hiddleston


Oh, and just in case you want to see it, here’s that trailer.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)