By Cindy Davis | Lists | December 15, 2015 |
By Cindy Davis | Lists | December 15, 2015 |
This morning the BBC put out a nifty teaser of edited-together footage to promote the new seasons of Luther, Sherlock and The Fall and while I’m all about creative crossovers, for some reason Holmes and Watson just didn’t seem to fit with their fellow detectives. That said, given a slight tweak we could easily picture DS Gibson and DCI Luther working on a case together. And with that, we’re off…
Btw, lucky across-the-ponders can start Luther, Series 4 tonight on BBC One, while we statesiders have to wait until BBCA runs the 3-hour special this Thursday, December 17th. Series 3 of The Fall has been announced and will hopefully air in 2017.
For the purposes of this list, I’m keeping it to current series characters.
John Luther (Luther) to The Fall
This pairing could easily go either way (*wink*) — send Stella Gibson to work on a case with Luther, but if I had my druthers, I’d send John to get Stella’s head back on straight. One look at Idris (bam, fireworks!), and I’m calling that nasty Spector (Jamie Dornan) a goner.
Uhtred, Son of Uhtred (The Last Kingdom) to Game of Thrones
My ultimate dream would be for Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon) to meet up with Gwendoline Christie’s Brienne and fall madly in love, but that’s my heretofore unheard of romantic side peeking out. In reality, Uhtred — with King Alfred’s army — should have a glorious battle scene against the Lannister army. Shields up!
The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who) to Sherlock
Come on Moffat and Gatiss, give us what we want! Who knows what the dynamic would have been with Eleven or Ten, but Peter mothereffin’ Capaldi’s Twelve and Cumberbatch’s Sherlock in a room together? Watson would spend the hour trying to keep the egos from spontaneously combusting, and we’d be clapping the entire time.
Hanzee Dent (Fargo) to Sense8
Yeah, I know; during the Fargo finale, Hanzee may have changed a little from the man we never really knew, but I’d like to take him as we’ve seen him all season. Silent, deadly, and though you might assume he’d be working for that creepy Whispers, he’d be much more interesting (and useful to the group) as a “sensate.” Ultimately, he needs to have an unexpected encounter with Lito and Hernando.
Jessica Jones and Luke Cage (Jessica Jones) to The Walking Dead
Jessica Jones is so hardcore, badass and world-weary, she’s a natural fit for TWD universe, and zombie killing. She and Luke would naturally gravitate toward Daryl; Luke and Daryl would bond over bikes without saying much, and they’d be a true force against Negan’s crew. (Oh, and bonus: a black dude the writers couldn’t kill off.)
Ash (Ash vs. Evil Dead) to American Horror Story: Hotel
Because Ash would strut right in to the Hotel Cortez and wipe out that entire load of ghostly shitbird killers (excepting Liz Taylor who rocks and makes a mean martini). Then he’d sweep Countess Gaga right off her feet, and the pair would make beautiful music until the end of (Ash’s) time.