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11 Cinematic Sociopaths Who Could Program the Hell Out of My iPod

By Agent Bedhead | Lists | October 10, 2012 |

By Agent Bedhead | Lists | October 10, 2012 |

In honor of the upcoming Seven Psychopaths, I wanted to write a fitting list, but it seems that the lovely Miss Cindy Davis has already fulfilled the requirements for one covering 10 Superior Psychopaths. As such, I’ve decided to switch paths and list my favorite Cinematic Sociopaths instead. I’m sure a few of these choices might be considered a miscall in the Psychopath vs. Sociopath debate, so here’s a quick primer on the differences between the two types of personalities. One thing can be said for several of these entries — they have great taste in music.

Gary Oldman in The Professional:

Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight:

Angelina Jolie in Girl, Interrupted:

Christian Bale in American Psycho:

Tom Ripley in The Talented Mr. Ripley:

Joe Pesci in Goodfellas:

Al Pacino in Scarface:

Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions:

Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men:

Michael Madsen Reservoir Dogs:

Louise Fletcher in One Few Over the Cuckoo’s Nest:

Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean:

Agent Bedhead lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She and her little black heart can be found at Celebitchy.