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We'd Kiss Geraldo Rivera on the Lips For This If He Weren't Such a Homophobe

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 3, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 3, 2015 |

You will not very often find yourself aligning with the politics of Fox News asshole Geraldo Rivera, but yesterday amidst the massing shooting in San Bernardino, the man actually expressed outrage at the right people. Rivera is as sick of this sh*t as everyone else, and on Twitter, he had his “We’re not going to take it anymore” moment.

For a few moments, I wanted to kiss the man, if not for his violent homophobia:

What? Did Geraldo just called the Second Amendment “stupid”?

He’s agreeing with the President? Publicly?

You go, Geraldo!

Hell yeah!

Exactly. It’s better to celebrate America, not for killing a mass shooter after the incident, but for thwarting the mass shooting before it happens by removing the weapons. That’s how you kick ass without a body count.