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Twitter Reacts to Donald Trump's $25 Million Trump University Settlement

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 18, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 18, 2016 |

Donald Trump paid $25 million to settle two lawsuits leveled against him for defrauding hundreds of students at his university scam, Trump University. From the NYTimes:

The settlement was announced by the New York attorney general on Friday, just 10 days before one of the cases, a federal class-action lawsuit in San Diego, was set to be heard by a jury. The deal, if approved, averts a potentially embarrassing and highly unusual predicament: a president-elect on trial, and possibly even taking the stand in his own defense, while scrambling to build his incoming administration.

It was a remarkable concession from a real estate mogul who derides legal settlements and has mocked fellow businessmen who agree to them.

While Trump does not “admit” fault as part of the settlement, he has also agreed to pay $1 million in penalties to the State of New York for violating state education law, which is basically admitting fault.

I wasn’t going to cover this, because it was announced late Friday, and I have better things to do with my life on Friday evenings (not really), but then I realized that this is exactly what Donald Trump wanted: To bury the news on Friday night.

So, here are some tweet responses to the settlement that I have collected out of spite.