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Trump Suggests Hurricane Maria Was a Liberal Plot Against the White House (Not an Onion Headline)

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 13, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 13, 2018 |


As Hurricane Florence approaches the East Coast of the United States, where it is expected to create billions of dollars in damage and a leave devastation and tragedy in its wake, Donald Trump woke up this morning and decided that Hurricane Maria, which left 3,000 people dead in Puerto Rico, was a liberal conspiracy designed to make him look bad.

There’s no other way to put this than the way that the Associated Press put this:

I mean, what the f*ck? Is Alex Jones a new senior advisor to the President? Did Trump spend the morning consulting with Roseanne Barr?

Those are lives. Not made up statistics, and those 3,000 people represent thousands more broken families, and they represent a failure at every level of government.

This is so dumb and so deeply embarrassing that Fox News won’t even touch it.