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The International Community is Shunning Us, DHS is Imploding, and Ted Cruz Wants to Be Your Hero

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 18, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 18, 2018 |


Though relief was slow to come in Puerto Rico (or never came at all), the American government has wasted no time building “tent cities” for children separated from their families.

Meanwhile, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen got shellacked for her performance at a White House press briefing today, answering questions about children being separated from their families at the border while also dodging questions about child abuse (we give them “videos and TVs”!).

DHS is “imploding” over the policy.

The International Community is treating us the way we once treated countries like North Korea and China, before we became their friends:

… and for good reason, as this is the kind of thing going on right now.

Elsewhere, Fox News continues to defend the policy, referring to those people who oppose separating children from their parents as “the ruling class” while blowing into those dog whistles so loudly that WWII Germany can hear them.

Speaking of Germany, Trump is using that country to blow his own dog whistle.

Nevertheless, every Democrat in the Senate has signed on to the Keep Families Together Act, a bill that would keep families together pending deportation. It needs only two Republicans to pass, but guys like Jeff Flake and John McCain — who are supposedly opposed to these practices — have so far refused to sign on. Same with Susan Collins.

It just takes two more Senators to pass the bill, but fuck it: Senator Ted Cruz — who at least recognizes how unpopular this policy is — has decided to start from scratch and try something else.

The fine print there is the bill basically pumps money into the system so that deportations will happen quicker, so that parent and child can be more quickly sent back to the country where they are facing violence.

Well, you got what you want, Trump. No one is talking about the Russian probe now except you.