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The Devilishly Dry Brian Williams is Deliciously Petty

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 29, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 29, 2021 |


Brian Williams was once the last of the old-school news anchors, a link to Brokaw, Jennings, Rather, and Cronkite, back when the half-hour airing of the nightly network news — along with a good old-fashioned newspaper — was the major source of news in this country. In 2015, when truth still mattered in America, Williams was chased from his anchor’s chair after it was revealed that Williams had lied about being in a helicopter in Iraq that was forced down after being hit by an RPG (it was actually forced down by a sand storm).

Of course, these days, you can mischaracterize your military service as an Army Ranger and still win a Senate seat (ahem, Tom Cotton), or deliver over 30,000 lies in four years as the President of the United States. None of that, of course, makes Brian Williams’ lie any less of a lie, it’s just that unfortunately, the truth doesn’t mean as much anymore.

Jokes are still fun, however, and when your delivery is as dry as that of Brian Williams, trolling the Republican party on an avowedly liberal MSNBC program is a goddamn delight. Here’s Williams with “exclusive video” of Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump meeting for the first time since Trump left office.

Williams sells the hell out of that clip, both before and after.

For the record, McCarthy and Trump did meet, and apparently did make amends, and the Republican party is falling in line right behind Donald Trump again, same as it ever was. The two discussed how the GOP can win back the House in 2022, and not to alarm anyone, but historically, that is exactly what happens. The minority party takes back a lot of seats in the midterms. Biden has two years to fix everything before the GOP — egged on by Trump — probably starts filing baseless Articles of Impeachment against him. Our best hope to stave that off is to paint the entire Republican party as loony as Marjorie Taylor Greene and hope that’s a turn off for enough of them to prevent the GOP from picking up too many seats. What will unfortunately probably happen, instead, is that the media will normalize Taylor Green’s crazy so much that the GOP will embrace her and her role in the GOP. Good times!