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Morning Briefing: Sometimes It's Hard to Know Who Is Dumber: Donald Trump Or Don Jr.

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 16, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 16, 2018 |


— The DOJ has prepped an indictment against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, although news of this was leaked unintentionally. We have no idea what this means, if charges have actually been filed, or even if Assange can be extradited from an Ecuadorean Embassy in London (although, on NPR this morning, they said that Assange and his cat have been wearing out their welcome).

— This woman, who currently holds a Senate seat in Mississippi, is in a runoff with Democrat Mike Espy and expected to win. Part of that reason may be the very thing she speaks about here:

Cindy Hyde-Smith now claims that she was joking, although it sure didn’t sound like joking. Also, voter suppression hahahahaha it’s so funny!

— Speaking of voter suppression, Georgia’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is preparing an unprecedented lawsuit demanding another round of voting in Georgia based upon “misconduct, fraud or irregularities … sufficient to change or place in doubt the results.” Abrams’s chances of forcing a recount otherwise look slim, as she needs about another 18,000 votes. This lawsuit — should she decide to file it — would allege that she would have received another 18,000 votes were it not for misconduct and fraud. Given what we know went on in Georgia on election day — hundreds of voting machines sat unused in a warehouse while Atlanta voters waited for hours to vote — she would seem to have a shot, but this is Georgia, and my guess is that the courts there are made up of conservative judges.

— Betsy DeVos — who we just found out has been getting personal security from U.S. Marshalls at the cost of $20 million since she became Education Secretary — is now pushing an overhaul of sexual assault rules in colleges to bolster the rights of the ACCUSED. Yes, Betsy, that’s exactly what we need (Susan Collins voted her out of committee. Never forget).

— Trump still doesn’t have a f**king clue how to be the Commander in Chief, according to the NYTimes:

And shortly after becoming commander in chief, President Trump asked so few questions in a briefing at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., that top military commanders cut the number of prepared PowerPoint slides to three — they had initially planned 18 — said two officials with knowledge of the visit.

The commanders had slotted two hours for the meeting, but it lasted less than one.

Rhetorically, Mr. Trump has embraced the United States’ 1.3 million active-duty troops as “my military” and “my generals” and has posted on Twitter that under his leadership, the American armed forces will be “the finest that our Country has ever had.” But top Defense Department officials say that Mr. Trump has not fully grasped the role of the troops he commands, nor the responsibility that he has to lead them and protect them from politics.

“There was the belief that over time, he would better understand, but I don’t know that that’s the case,” said Col. David Lapan, a retired Marine who served in the Trump administration in 2017 as a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security. “I don’t think that he understands the proper use and role of the military and what we can, and can’t, do.”

— From a new Washington Post profile on Don Jr., which doesn’t so much normalize him as it stands in the corner and quietly mocks him under the auspices of “both sides”:

After he was married, Trump Jr. also had a habit of tweeting out public messages to attractive women.

“@Hopedworaczyk towel in bubble bath u just ruined every pervs night including me,” Trump Jr. wrote at 10 p.m. one evening in 2011, eschewing punctuation in a public Twitter message to model Hope Dworaczyk. He seemed to be referring to a photo or video of Dworaczyk. “Yes wife will B beating me again when she reads this! 3 2 1.”

When his father reinvented himself as a politician, the son got a chance to reinvent himself, too.

“‘Don, what do you know about politics?’” he recalled his father asking at the start of the 2016 campaign.

“I dunno,” he replied, “I watched the news last night.”

In his father’s threadbare campaign, that was enough.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the brain damage.