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Morning Briefing: Donald Trump and the Baby, Another Joe Biden Gaffe, and Sarah Silverman

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 9, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 9, 2019 |


Hey, remember a couple of days ago when Donald Trump went to El Paso to “console” victims of a mass shooting his rhetoric helped to create? Remember how the eight wounded victims in the hospital didn’t want to see him? And how two people who had been discharged did agree to return to the hospital to see him? Yeah, well, one of those who “agreed” to return to see Trump was a baby.

And that is how Donald Trump chose to pose with a baby who had lost both of its parents to a mass shooter. Just when you thought it couldn’t get more pathetic, huh?

— Meanwhile, in the 2020 camp for the Democrats, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders Kirsten Gillibrand, Beto O’Rourke, Andrew Yang, and Pete Buttigieg have all come out and specifically called Trump a white supremacist. Kamala Harris said that Trump “coddled and emboldens white supremacy.”

Alas, Joe Biden — who is still leading in the polls — remains a human gaffe machine.

Joe Biden also continues to support the Senate filibuster, which almost every other Presidential candidate (including Trump) has come out against. It essentially means for any Presidency that nothing will ever get done again.

— In other news, longtime Fox News advertiser, Long John Silvers, dropped Fox News after Tucker Carlson said that white supremacy is a hoax. Nestlé and HelloFresh have also apparently quit Tucker Carlson’s show. Carlson took a “preplanned” vacation on Wednesday (ahem). I’d like to think that Fox News will drop him during his vacation — as they did with Bill O’Reilly — but lately, these “vacations” have been designed to allow controversies to die down and the advertiser bleeding to stop before folks like Jesse Watters and Laura Ingraham return to air.

— Under fire for continuing to sell guns in the wake of a mass shooting at one of its own stores, WalMart has finally done the responsible thing and *checks notes* will “remove signs, displays, and even video game demos that showcase violence.”

— The liberal boycott against SoulCycle and Equinox has actually “freaked out” Stephen Ross. He apparently “expressed qualms” about continuing to hold the fundraiser, but Trump’s people convinced him to hold it, saying that “it’s not going to be that bad. Not that many people are going to boycott the gym.” If you weren’t boycotting before, that should be reason enough to do so now: Trump’s people are calling the liberals’ bluff, so don’t bluff.

— Finally, there’s this:

At the source of that tweet, a Baptist pastor says of Silverman: “Listen, she is a witch. She is a jezebel. She is a God-hating whore of Zionism. I hope that God breaks her teeth out and she dies. She is a wicked person and she is, like, the perfect representation of religious Judaism… I pray that God would give her an untimely death, and it would be evident that it’s at the hand of God … “

I saw someone in her mentions say they notified the FBI.