By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2016 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2016 |
In “this can’t possibly be real” news, New Jersey is one of the 15 states in this country progressive enough to require that health insurance provides fertility treatment. Unfortunately, state lawmakers haven’t updated the language of their requirements to cover same-sex couples, which has resulted in a strange wrinkle. The insurance company of Marianne and Erin Krupa — who have suffered from six miscarriages and spent $50,000 on fertility treatments — will not cover their fertility treatments until they have completely ruled out all of their options by having unprotected heterosexual sex.
In other words, if the couple wants to have their fertility treatments paid for by their insurance company, they have to first bang a dude.
The couple is suing state lawmakers for failing to update their definitions and to get reimbursed for the $50,000 in infertility treatments that would have otherwise been covered for a straight woman. The insurance company, Horizon, defends itself as any shitty insurance company would, by saying that they’re only following the regulations as defined by the state of New Jersey.
Source: via NateMan