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House Republicans, Determined to Ruin the Country, Detail Perjury Allegations Against Hillary Clinton

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2016 |

With Donald Trump getting trounced in the polls (even in the one conducted by Breitbart), the House Republicans think they’ve found an end-around to ensure Donald Trump is elected and destroys this goddamn country. They’ve detailed perjury allegations against Hillary, and they are recommending the FBI bring charges against her “in a matter of weeks” over lies she purportedly told during her 2015 congressional testimony about her email practices.

What exactly did Hillary lie about under oath?

1. She said there was nothing marked classified in her emails. However, FBI head James Comey said that there were a “very small number of the emails containing classified information bore the markings indicating the presence of classified information.”

2. Secretary Clinton said her lawyers went through all of her emails. However, Comey said that the lawyers didn’t read every email in its entirety, instead relying upon search queries to determine which emails were work related. (Comey’s team did read every email, so it’s not like they didn’t get read).

3. Clinton herself apparently did not read every single personal email to determine which contained work related content, as she said she did.

4. Clinton said that she only used one private server, when in fact she “used several different servers and administrators of those servers.”

That’s all you got, GOP? Really? These are the lies of “Killary” you think merit “locking her up”? Really?

So, basically, in hours of testimony, Hillary Clinton got the details wrong on a few insubstantial matters. These are less than white lies. They’re insignificant. But the House GOP is pushing for perjury charges, while their candidate lies at least 78 percent of the time. Fact checkers would have an easier time listing the times Donald Trump told the truth than when he lied.

But sure, let’s tank the country over a few insignificant details. Petty, petty assholes.

Source: Fox News