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Election Updates: The Problem with Black America is That They're Not Trying Hard Enough, Says Human Potsticker Skin

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 26, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 26, 2020 |


Have you seen this yet? HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? This human foreskin has the audacity to suggests that Black people are lazy and just don’t want it enough, while the goddamn President of the United States — who has never worked an honest day in his life — spends his entire day watching Fox News and Tweeting.

It’s important to note below that pollsters weren’t that wrong in 2016 — the national polls were more or less accurate, and Hillary did, in fact, win by 3 million votes. On the state level, the polls did a poor job and missed by around 72,000 votes, which translated into an Electoral College victory. Since then, the polls have been modified and now include more folks without a college education in their samples to account for Trump voters.

I’m not saying that they are 100 percent accurate or anything, but I have a hard time believing that a 10-point margin between Biden and Trump comes down to a polling error that is consistent across all polls. But then again, Mr. Embalmed Penis thinks he knows more about politics than everyone else, so …

This is how the race is shaping up right now.

Meanwhile, let’s just check in on Trump this morning:

Trump now believes that talking about a virus that has killed 230,000 people should be an election law violation.

Maybe the problem is, the network where 35 percent of the country gets all of their news and information isn’t talking about it enough. If Fox News gave this virus the attention it warranted, maybe Trump isn’t losing in the polls so badly right now.

Elsewhere, here’s an interesting way to win votes in Pennsylvania: “If I win, I will f**k your state over.” Is that an effective strategy with this base? “Oh sure, it’ll hurt us, but it’ll hurt them liberals, too!”

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