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Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush Exchange Twitter Burns

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 11, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 11, 2015 |

Jeb Bush, who is all but being ignored because the media is focussing all their attention on Donald Trump right now, smartly took to Twitter and picked a fight with probably Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Jeb Bush may have gotten more than he bargained for, however, when Hillary trumped his insult with a better one.


That A+ insult was met, however, with a lame comeback.


You might think that candidates for the President feuding on Twitter is silly, but I actually think it’s great, and if Donald Trump has done anything for this campaign, maybe he’s encouraged the other candidates to show more of their real selves, instead of their political personas. And when I see an exchange like this, it’s hard not to think of Hillary as the surly, sarcastic ass-kicking get-shit-done President I think we need right now. Warm and cuddly is fine, but I’m ready for a no-nonsense President who is smarter than her opponents and willing to tell them to fuck off.