By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 27, 2021 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 27, 2021 |
Good morning, and happy holidays to everyone (except for Josh Duggar). I hope you all had a, well, I hope you made it through Christmas, canceled flights, Omicron, and your unvaccinated family members. For those of you in New York City, well, I’m sorry. Things are very hard, but you can take some solace in this: It was probably harder for Josh Duggar, the reality star who was jailed on December 9th for being receiving and possessing child pornography.
The good news for Duggar is that on Christmas Day, he was served “turkey and gravy, candied carrots, mashed potatoes, a roll with margarine and a spice cake and a fortified drink mix.” The bad news is that the turkey and gravy, the roll with margarine, and the last thing one wants to drink on Christmas, a “fortified drink mix,” was prepared in a prison. Margarine. On Christmas! Worse, Duggar had to eat it all by himself because he was left out of the Arkansas prison’s “Christmas festivities,” whatever that is supposed to mean.
Instead, Duggar had to spend his Christmas in solitary confinement. In fact, he has to spend every day of his prison sentence in solitary confinement because that’s what they do with sex offenders. They don’t let them mix with the general population for safety reasons. “People in solitary do not get to eat with others,” an informant told Radar. “They get served alone in their cell, but they get the same food everyone else does,” which in this case means nothing special for breakfast and lunch, and a fortified mix drink for dinner.
Duggar faces 40 years of prison food, solitary confinement, and no conjugal visits with his wife. The TLC reality-show empire — which relied on more than one child-sex offender — is in tatters along with the political fortunes of Jim Bob Duggar. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and that definitely includes the Duggars.
Source: Radar