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Donald Trump's Connection with the Mob May Cost Him That One Black Voter

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 8, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 8, 2016 |

Someone in the media is finally starting to dig into Donald Trump’s past, and that someone is Michael Isikoff, Chief investigative correspondent for Yahoo News. Isikoff reported that Donald Trump not only has connections to the mob (unsurprising), but that Trump Casino was once fined $200,000 because they prohibited black people and women from sitting at the same table as a high-rolling member of the mafia.

The mob member’s name was Robert LiButti, who was tied to John Gotti in the 80s and 90s. He was so connected to the mafia that he was banned from New Jersey casinos. However, he apparently spent millions gambling in Trump’s casinos, used vile language, and often directed that language at women and black people. Trump’s casino came up with a solution, which was to prevent black people and women from sitting at the same craps table as LiButti. That violates anti-discrimination laws, and after an investigation, Trump Casino was fined $200,000.

Trump denies any relationship with Robert LiButti. “I have heard he is a high roller, but if he was standing here in front of me, I wouldn’t know what he looked like,” Trump told the Philadelphia Inquirer back during the investigation.

Not so true, says LiButti’s daughter, Edith Creamer.

He’s a liar,” she told Yahoo News in the course of two telephone interviews.

“Of course he knew him. I flew in the [Trump] helicopter with [Trump’s then wife] Ivana and the kids. My dad flew it up and down [to Atlantic City]. My 35th birthday party was at the Plaza and Donald was there. After the party, we went on his boat, his big yacht. I like Trump, but it pisses me off that he denies knowing my father. That hurts me.”

The revelation is sure to hurt Trump’s standing with African-American voters, by which I mean this person seen at a Trump rally:

Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 12.17.38 PM.jpg

No, sorry. This person.


Damnit. Wrong image. THIS person.

Clumsy fingers! I keep clicking the wrong thing. HERE he is.


Source: Yahoo